Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Stefano Accorsi has been engaged to Laetitia Casta since 2006. They have been engaged for 19 years.
Entertainment - Actor
Why Famous: played the lead in Jack Frusciante e uscito dal gruppo, one of his best known films
Age: 53 (b. 3/2/1971)
Fashion - Model
Why Famous: Victoria's Secret Angel
Age: 46 (b. 5/11/1978)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | 2003 | 3 years |
Engaged | 2006 | 19 years |
Total | 22 years |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Orlando | 9/21/2006 | 18 yrs. | Male |
Athena | 8/29/2009 | 15 yrs. | Female |
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