Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Christopher Gavigan has been married to Jessica Capshaw since May 22, 2004. They have been married for 20.5 years.

Christopher Gavigan Profile Photo

Christopher Gavigan

Other - Spouse

Why Famous: Spouse of Jessica Capshaw

Age: N/A

Christopher Gavigan Photos (2)

Christopher Gavigan's Relationships (1)

Jessica Capshaw Profile Photo

Jessica Capshaw

Entertainment - Actress

Why Famous: Dr. Arizona Robbins on Grey's Anatomy

Age: 48 (b. 8/9/1976)

Jessica Capshaw Photos (12)

Jessica Capshaw's Relationships (1)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating 2000 3 years
Engaged 2003 1.5 years
Married 5/22/2004 20.5 years
 Total25 years

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Luke Hudson09/08/200717 yrs.MaleBiological
Eve Augusta10/20/201014 yrs.FemaleBiological
Poppy James6/20/201212 yrs.FemaleBiological
Josephine Kate5/2/20168 yrs.FemaleBiological

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