Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Camille Cosby has been married to Bill Cosby since January 25, 1964. They have been married for 60.9 years.

Camille Cosby Profile Photo

Camille Cosby

Entertainment - Producer

Why Famous: Spouse of Bill Cosby

Age: 80 (b. 1944)


Camille Cosby's Relationships (1)

Bill Cosby Profile Photo

Bill Cosby

Entertainment - Comedian

Why Famous: Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable in The Cosby Show, NBC series

Age: 87 (b. 7/12/1937)


Bill Cosby's Relationships (3)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating 1961 --
Engaged n/a --
Married 1/25/1964 60.9 years
 Total64 years

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Erika Ranee196559 yrs.FemaleBiological
Erinn Chalene196757 yrs.FemaleBiological
Ennis William4/15/196927 yrs.*MaleBiological
Ensa Camille197351 yrs.FemaleBiological
Evin Harrah197747 yrs.FemaleBiological

* Age at time of death

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Andrea ConstandBill Cosby2004View
Shawn UpshawBill Cosby1974View

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