Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Nena dated Benedict Freitag in the past, but they broke up in 1992. Nena dated Benedict Freitag for 5 years. Nena is currently dating Philipp Palm.
Music - Musician
Why Famous: Single, "99 Red Balloons"
Age: 64 (b. 3/24/1960)
Entertainment - Actor
Why Famous: Swiss Actor
Age: 72 (b. 1952)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | 1987 | 5 years |
Broke Up | 1992 | -- |
Total | 5 years |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Christopher Daniel Kerner | 02/02/1988 | 11 mos.* | Male |
Larissa Maria Kerner | 4/7/1990 | 34 yrs. | Female |
Sakias Manuel Kerner | 4/7/1990 | 34 yrs. | Male |
* Age at time of death
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