Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Bob Hope's relationship with Dolores Hope ended when Bob Hope died on July 27, 2003. They had been married for 69.4 years.

Bob Hope Profile Photo

Bob Hope

Entertainment - Comedian

Why Famous: noted for his work with the US Armed Forces and his numerous USO tours

Age: 100 (5/29/1903 - 7/27/2003)


Bob Hope's Relationships (4)

Dolores Hope Profile Photo

Dolores Hope

Other - Spouse

Why Famous: Widow of Bob Hope

Age: 102 (5/27/1909 - 9/19/2011)


Dolores Hope's Relationships (1)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating n/a --
Engaged n/a --
Married 2/19/1934 69.4 years
Deceased 7/27/2003 --
 Total69.4 years*

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Eleanora Avis 193094 yrs.FemaleAdopted
Linda 193391 yrs.FemaleAdopted
William193787 yrs.MaleAdopted
Anthony J.194163 yrs.*MaleAdopted

* Age at time of death

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Marilyn MaxwellBob Hope1949View

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