Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Aislinn O'Sullivan has been divorced from David Evans since 1996. They had been married for 12.4 years. Aislinn O'Sullivan is currently available.
Music - Singer
Why Famous: Band U2
Age: 63 (b. 8/8/1961)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | n/a | -- |
Engaged | n/a | -- |
Married | 7/12/1983 | 12.4 years |
Separated | 1990 | -- |
Filed for Divorce | n/a | -- |
Divorced | 1996 | -- |
Total | 12.4 years* |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Hollie | 7/4/1984 | 40 yrs. | Female |
Arran | 10/15/1985 | 39 yrs. | Female |
Blue Angel | 6/26/1989 | 35 yrs. | Female |
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