Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Alex Santana and Jane Carrey filed for divorce on October 20, 2011. They have been married for 15.1 years and filed for divorce 13.2 years ago.
Music - Musician
Why Famous: Member of the rock band, Blood Money
Age: N/A
Music - Musician
Why Famous: Daughter of Jim Carrey
Age: 37 (b. 9/6/1987)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | n/a | -- |
Engaged | n/a | -- |
Married | 11/14/2009 | 15.1 years |
Separated | 12/2010 | -- |
Filed for Divorce | 10/20/2011 | -- |
Total | 15.1 years* |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Jackson Riley Santana | 02/26/2010 | 14 yrs. | Male |
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