Queen Elizabeth II's Profile

Queen Elizabeth II Profile Photo

Queen Elizabeth II is deceased. She was in one celebrity relationship averaging approximately 73.8 years. Her only marriage lasted 73.4 years.

Given Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary

Nickname: Lillibet

Age: 96 (4/21/1926 - 9/8/2022)

Occupation: Other - Royalty

Most Famous For: Queen of England

Queen Elizabeth II's Relationships

Queen Elizabeth II's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 1 73.8 yrs.*
  Dating10 yrs.
  Engagements10.4 yrs.
  Marriages173.4 yrs.

Queen Elizabeth II's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Prince Charles Philip Arthur George76 yrs.MaleBiologicalPrince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Princess Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise74 yrs.FemaleBiologicalPrince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward64 yrs.MaleBiologicalPrince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis60 yrs.MaleBiologicalPrince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

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