J.P. Arencibia's Profile

J.P. Arencibia Profile Photo

J.P. Arencibia is currently filed for divorce from Kimberly Perry and is currently engaged to Tomi Lahren. He has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 7.7 years each. His only marriage lasted 10.3 years.

Given Name: Jonathan Paul Arencibia

Age: 38 (1/5/1986)

Occupation: Sports - Baseball

Most Famous For: Toronto Blue Jays

J.P. Arencibia's Relationships

J.P. Arencibia's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 7.7 yrs.
  Dating20.6 yrs.
  Engagements21.9 yrs.
  Marriages110.3 yrs.

J.P. Arencibia's Children

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Relationship News & Gossip for J.P. Arencibia

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