Tom Davis' Profile

Tom Davis is deceased. He was in one celebrity relationship.He was married once.
Age: 59 (8/13/1952 - 7/19/2012)
Occupation: Entertainment - Comedian
Most Famous For: half of the comedy duo "Franken & Davis" on SNL
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Tom Davis' Relationships
Age not known
Deceased (7/2012)
Tom Davis' Relationship Statistics
No. | Avg. Length | |
Relationships: | 1 | 0 |
Dating | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Engagements | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Marriages | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Breakups: | ||
Widowed/Widower | 1 |
Tom Davis' Children
No known children for this celebrity. Add a child
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