Oliver Platt's Profile

Oliver Platt Profile Photo

Oliver Platt is currently married to Camilla Campbell. He has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 16.0 years each. His one marriage has lasted 32.0 years so far.

Given Name: Oliver James Platt

Age: 64 (1/12/1960)

Occupation: Entertainment - Actor

Oliver Platt's Relationships

Oliver Platt's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 16.0 yrs.*
  Dating20 yrs.
  Engagements10 yrs.
  Marriages132.0 yrs.
  Dating Breakups1 

Oliver Platt's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Lily29 yrs.FemaleBiologicalCamilla Campbell
George27 yrs.MaleBiologicalCamilla Campbell
Claire25 yrs.FemaleBiologicalCamilla Campbell

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