Wyatt Cooper's Profile

Wyatt Cooper Profile Photo

Wyatt Cooper is deceased. He was in one celebrity relationship averaging approximately 13.9 years. His only marriage lasted 13.9 years.

Given Name: Wyatt Emory Cooper

Age: 50 (9/1/1927 - 1/5/1978)

Occupation: Arts - Author

Most Famous For: Author/Screenwriter

Wyatt Cooper's Relationships

Wyatt Cooper's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 1 13.9 yrs.*
  Dating10 yrs.
  Engagements10 yrs.
  Marriages113.9 yrs.

Wyatt Cooper's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Carter Vanderbilt23 yrs.*MaleBiologicalGloria Vanderbilt
Anderson Hays57 yrs.MaleBiologicalGloria Vanderbilt

* Age at time of death

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