James Doohan's Profile

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James Doohan is currently married to Wende Braunberger. He was in three celebrity relationships averaging approximately 6.7 years each. His three marriages averaged 10.0 years each.

Given Name: James Montgomery Doohan

Nickname: Jimmy

Age: 85 (3/3/1920 - 7/20/2005)

Occupation: Entertainment - Actor

Most Famous For: Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the television and film series Star Trek

James Doohan's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 3 6.7 yrs.*
  Dating30 yrs.
  Engagements30 yrs.
  Marriages310.0 yrs.

James Doohan's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
ThomasN/AMaleBiologicalWende Braunberger
EricN/AMaleBiologicalWende Braunberger
Larkin70 yrs.FemaleBiologicalJanet Young
Deirdre67 yrs.FemaleBiologicalJanet Young
Christopher65 yrs.MaleBiologicalJanet Young
Montgomery65 yrs.MaleBiologicalJanet Young
Sarah Christine Ann24 yrs.FemaleBiologicalWende Braunberger

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