On This Date In History - October 22nd
Corey Feldman & Susie Feldman
filed for divorce on this day in 2009Soupy Sales & Trudy Carson
relationship ended due to death on this day in 2009
Jaqueline Carvalho & Murilo Endres
were married on this day in 2009Dominic Purcell & Rebecca Williamson
were divorced on this day in 2008Matt Lucas & Kevin McGee
were divorced on this day in 2008Kate Hudson & Chris Robinson
were divorced on this day in 2007
Nelson de la Rosa & Jennifer De Leonel
relationship ended due to death on this day in 2006Fiona Swarovski & Karl-Heinz Grasser
were married on this day in 2005Andre Agassi & Steffi Graf
were married on this day in 2001Michael Fishman & Jennifer Briner
were married on this day in 1999
Namie Amuro & Sam Last Name Unknown
were married on this day in 1997James Coburn & Name Unknown - James Coburn
were married on this day in 1993