On This Date In History - October 18th
Vicki Gunvalson & Donn Gunvalson
filed for divorce on this day in 2010Mitchel Musso & Gia Mantegna
started dating on this day in 2009
Jared Fogle & Elizabeth Christie Fogle
were divorced on this day in 2007Nicolas Sarkozy & Cecilia Attias
were divorced on this day in 2007James McAvoy & Anne-Marie Duff
were married on this day in 2006Charlotte Ross & Michael Goldman
were married on this day in 2003
David Hemmings & Lucy Williams
were married on this day in 2002Stephen Daldry & Lucy Sexton
were married on this day in 2001Emily Couric & George A. Beller
relationship ended due to death on this day in 2001Alec Guinness & Merula Salamon
relationship ended due to death on this day in 2000
Bruce Willis & Demi Moore
were divorced on this day in 2000Christy Chung & Glen Ross
were divorced on this day in 1999