Celebrities who died on August 12th
Anne Heche
Relationship with Ellen DeGeneres
Age 53 at death
5/25/1969 - 8/12/2022
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Lauren Bacall
Marie "Slim" Browning in To Have and Have Not, film
Age 89 at death
9/16/1924 - 8/12/2014
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Richard Hayward
Co-Founder and Drummer of Little Feat, band
Age 64 at death
2/6/1946 - 8/12/2010
Music - Musician
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Merv Griffin
Jeopardy, Wheel Of Fortune, The Merv Griffin Show
Age 82 at death
6/6/1925 - 8/12/2007
Entertainment - Producer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Loretta Young
Academy Award for "The Farmer's Daughter"
Age 87 at death
1/16/1913 - 8/12/2000
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Paola Mori
Widow of Orson Welles
Age 56 at death
1930 - 8/12/1986
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Henry Fonda
Grapes of Wrath
Age 77 at death
5/16/1905 - 8/12/1982
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Ian Fleming
creator of "James Bond"
Age 56 at death
5/28/1908 - 8/12/1964
Arts - Author
Dating History | Kids | Photos