Celebrities Born on August 6th
Abbey Lincoln
Jazz Singer
Age: 80* (1930)
Music - Singer
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Lois Nettleton
"General Hospital"
Age: 80* (1927)
Entertainment - Actress
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Robert Mitchum
remembered for his starring roles in several major works of the film noir style
Age: 79* (1917)
Entertainment - Actor
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Lucille Ball
"I Love Lucy"
Age: 77* (1911)
Entertainment - Actress
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Hoot Gibson
was a rodeo champion and a pioneer cowboy film actor, film director and producer
Age: 70* (1892)
Entertainment - Actor
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Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
Second Wife and Widow of Theodore Roosevelt
Age: 87* (1861)
Politics - Other
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* Age at time of death