Celebrities Born on July 4th
Gina Lollobrigida
one of Italy's most prominent actresses of the 1950s and early 1960s
Age: 95* (1927)
Entertainment - Actress
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Leona Helmsley
a billionaire New York City hotel operator and real estate investor
Age: 87* (1920)
Business - Hotelier
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Mitch Miller
Sing along with Mitch, television show
Age: 99* (1911)
Music - Musician
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Gloria Stuart
100-year-old Rose in "Titanic"
Age: 100* (1910)
Entertainment - Actress
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George Murphy
Age: 89* (1902)
Entertainment - Actor
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Louis B. Mayer
for his stewardship and co-founding of the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Age: 75* (1882)
Entertainment - Producer
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* Age at time of death