Celebrities Born on July 28th
Huma Abedin
Chief of staff for Hillary Clinton
Age: 48 (1976)
Politics - Other
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Nadya Hutagalung
one of the first VJs on MTV Asia
Age: 50 (1974)
Entertainment - Actress
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Elizabeth Berkley
Jessie Spano on Saved by the Bell
Age: 50 (1974)
Entertainment - Actress
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Nicole Narain
Age: 50 (1974)
Fashion - Model
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Frank Lickliter
Age: 55 (1969)
Sports - Golfer
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Lori Loughlin
Rebecca Donaldson on Full House
Age: 60 (1964)
Entertainment - Actress
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Hugo Chavez
President of Venezuela
Age: 70 (1954)
Politics - President
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Bruce Abbott
Former Husband of Linda Hamilton
Age: 70 (1954)
Entertainment - Actor
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Gerald Casale
Founding member of Devo
Age: 76 (1948)
Music - Musician
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Georgia Engel
Georgette Franklin Baxter on The Mary Tyler Moore show
Age: 70* (1948)
Entertainment - Actress
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Sally Struthers
Gloria Bunker "All In the Family"
Age: 76 (1948)
Entertainment - Actress
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Bill Bradley
Hall of fame NBA player and 3-term U.S. Senator
Age: 81 (1943)
Politics - Senator
Dating History | Kids | Photos
* Age at time of death