Celebrities Born on July 21st
John Lahr
Son of Burt Lahr
Age: 83 (1941)
Entertainment - Actor
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Karel Reisz
Deceased spouse of Betsy Blair
Age: 76* (1926)
Entertainment - Director
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Don Knotts
Barney Fife "Andy Griffith Show"
Age: 81* (1924)
Entertainment - Actor
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Arthur Marx
Son of Groucho Marx
Age: 89* (1921)
Sports - Tennis
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Stanislaw Albrecht Radziwill
Age: 62* (1914)
Other - Royalty
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Ernest Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea, novel
Age: 61* (1899)
Arts - Author
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Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston
22nd and 24th First Lady of the United States
Age: 83* (1864)
Politics - Other
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* Age at time of death