Celebrities Born on July 2nd
Sam Hornish Jr.
for his open wheel accomplishments, which include an Indianapolis 500 victory
Age: 45 (1979)
Sports - Racing
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Owain Yeoman
Wayne Rigsby in "The Mentalist"
Age: 46 (1978)
Entertainment - Actor
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Erin Burnett
NewsShow, "Erin Burnett, OutFront"
Age: 48 (1976)
Media - Newsperson / Anchor
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Yancy Butler
her performances in Witchblade
Age: 54 (1970)
Entertainment - Actress
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Amy Weber
Model, WWE Diva, actress on "Son of the Beach"
Age: 54 (1970)
Entertainment - Actress
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Monie Love
Monie in the Middle, single
Age: 54 (1970)
Music - Rapper
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Jenni Rivera
is a Mexican-American vocalist/songwriter of banda music
Age: 43* (1969)
Music - Musician
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Jose Canseco
MLB American League outfielder and DH
Age: 60 (1964)
Sports - Baseball
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Stephen Kay
Director of the Get Carter film
Age: 61 (1963)
Entertainment - Director
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Kelly Emberg
Ex Girlfriend of Rod Stewart
Age: 65 (1959)
Fashion - Model
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Bret Hart
The best there was,the best there is and the best there ever will be,Bret The Hitman Hart in the WWE
Age: 67 (1957)
Sports - Wrestler / WWF
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Jerry Hall
Ex spouse of Mick Jagger
Age: 68 (1956)
Fashion - Model
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* Age at time of death