Celebrities Born on March 18th
Ana Obregon
High profile personal life
Age: 72 (1952)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Susan Tyrell
Oma in "Fat City"
Age: 67* (1945)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Charley Pride
Just Between You and Me, single
Age: 82* (1938)
Music - Singer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
John Updike
his Rabbit series
Age: 76* (1932)
Arts - Author
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Marian McCargo
was a former tennis champ who later found success in film and television
Age: 72* (1932)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Peter Graves
Mission Impossible
Age: 83* (1926)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Ben Gage
Ex Spouse of Esther Williams
Age: 64* (1914)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Art Gilmore
The World Tomorrow, religious show
Age: 98* (1912)
Entertainment - Other
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Edgar Cayce
The Sleeping Prophet
Age: 67* (1877)
Other - Other
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Neville Chamberlain
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 to 1940
Age: 71* (1869)
Politics - Other
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Grover Cleveland
24th President of the United States
Age: 71* (1837)
Politics - President
Dating History | Kids | Photos
* Age at time of death