Celebrities Born on July 15th
Linda Ronstadt
an American popular music vocalist and entertainer
Age: 78 (1946)
Music - Singer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Patrick Wayne
Son of John Wayne
Age: 85 (1939)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Alex Karras
Mongo in Blazing Saddles, film
Age: 77* (1935)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Phil Carey
Ada Buchanan on "One Life to Live"
Age: 83* (1925)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Addie McPhail
Age: 97* (1905)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Enid Bennett
The Little Brother, film
Age: 75* (1893)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
* Age at time of death