Celebrities Born on July 14th
Charlie Haugk
Relationship with Marg Helgenberger
Age: 71 (1953)
Entertainment - Actor
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Joel Silver
Silver Pictures and Dark Castle Entertainment
Age: 72 (1952)
Entertainment - Producer
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Tommy Mottola
Chairman and CEO Sony Music Entertainment
Age: 75 (1949)
Music - Producer
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Polly Bergen
Age: 84* (1930)
Entertainment - Actress
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Harry Dean Stanton
The Green Mile, Red Dawn, and Repo Man
Age: 91* (1926)
Entertainment - Actor
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Dale Robertson
Jim Hardie in "Tales of Wells Fargo"
Age: 89* (1923)
Entertainment - Actor
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Kabi Laretei
an Estonian-born Swedish concert pianist
Age: 102 (1922)
Music - Musician
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Pauline Phillips
(first) Dear Abby writer
Age: 106 (1918)
Media - Other
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Ingmar Bergman
Winter Light
Age: 89* (1918)
Entertainment - Director
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Toby Wing
was an American actress and showgirl
Age: 85* (1915)
Entertainment - Actress
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Gerald Ford
38th President of the United States/ Husband and Widow of Betty Ford
Age: 93* (1913)
Politics - President
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Woody Guthrie
Age: 55* (1912)
Music - Singer
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* Age at time of death