Celebrities Born on April 14th
WWE professional wrestler
Age: 49 (1975)
Sports - Wrestler / WWF
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Da Brat
Funkdafied, album
Age: 50 (1974)
Music - Rapper
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Adrien Brody
The Pianist, film
Age: 51 (1973)
Entertainment - Actor
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Sibi Bale
Wife of Christian Bale
Age: 54 (1970)
Entertainment - Actress
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Anthony Michael Hall
Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Weird Science, films
Age: 56 (1968)
Entertainment - Actor
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David Justice
NBL Outfielder
Age: 58 (1966)
Sports - Baseball
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Greg Maddux
San Diego Padres
Age: 58 (1966)
Sports - Baseball
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Jane Flemming
former Australian Olympic track and field athlete
Age: 59 (1965)
Sports - Track and Field
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Robert Carlyle
Mr. Gold and Rumplestilltskin on Once Upon a Time
Age: 63 (1961)
Entertainment - Actor
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Brad Garrett
Robert Barone in Everyone Loves Raymond, CBS series
Age: 64 (1960)
Entertainment - Actor
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Julie Christie
Lara of Doctor Zhivago, film
Age: 83 (1941)
Entertainment - Actress
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Pete Rose
Cincinnati Reds
Age: 83 (1941)
Sports - Baseball
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