Celebrities Born on July 13th
Sheldon Souray
Relationship with Angelica Bridges
Age: 48 (1976)
Sports - Hockey
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Deborah Cox
Nobody's Supposed to Be Here, single
Age: 50 (1974)
Music - Musician
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Jarno Trulli
is an Italian Formula One auto racing driver currently driving for the Toyota team
Age: 50 (1974)
Sports - Racing
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Ken Jeong
Leslie Chow in The Hangover, films
Age: 55 (1969)
Entertainment - Actor
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Robert Gant
is a Cuban-American actor
Age: 56 (1968)
Entertainment - Actor
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Gerald Levert
Son of Eddie Levert and LeVert and LSG, singing groups
Age: 40* (1966)
Music - Singer
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Kenny Johnson
Detective Curtis 'Lemonhead' Lemansky of The Shield
Age: 61 (1963)
Entertainment - Actor
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Rhonda Vincent
The New Queen of Bluegrass
Age: 62 (1962)
Music - Singer
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Joey Gian
Detective Tom Ryan in Knots Landing
Age: 63 (1961)
Entertainment - Actor
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Cameron Crowe
Wrote and directed Say Anything, Singles, Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous, etc.
Age: 67 (1957)
Entertainment - Screenwriter
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Cheech Marin
Cheech and Chong
Age: 78 (1946)
Entertainment - Comedian
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Harrison Ford
Han Solo in Star Wars, film trilogy
Age: 82 (1942)
Entertainment - Actor
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* Age at time of death