Celebrities Born on May 11th
Roark Critchlow
Dr. Mike Horton in "Days of Our Lives"
Age: 61 (1963)
Entertainment - Actor
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Vince Grant
Relationship with Judith Hoag
Age: 63 (1961)
Entertainment - Actor
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Peter North
Pornographic Actor
Age: 67 (1957)
Adult Entertainment - Actor
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Adolfo Quinones
Ozone of Breakin' and Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo, film
Age: 69 (1955)
Entertainment - Actor
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Frances Fisher
Titanic, film
Age: 72 (1952)
Entertainment - Actress
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Shohreh Aghdashloo
is an Emmy Award-winning and Academy Award-nominated Iranian-American actress
Age: 72 (1952)
Entertainment - Actress
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Valentino Garavani
Italian Fashion Designer
Age: 92 (1932)
Fashion - Designer
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Mort Sahl
Canadian-born American comedian and actor
Age: 94* (1927)
Entertainment - Comedian
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Phil Silvers
starring in The Phil Silvers Show
Age: 74* (1911)
Entertainment - Actor
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Salvador Dali
The Persistence of Memory, painting
Age: 84* (1904)
Arts - Artist
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* Age at time of death